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Cliente: Personal​

Serie de ilustraciones basadas en :

Quizá sea el momento de cambiar, de soltar, de mandar todo a la mierda y volver a empezar. Quizá sea el momento de sacarle un sol a esta tormenta, de reírse sin parar, de volar sin tropezar. Quizá sea el momento de encontrarnos, de abrirnos los ojos y largarnos a soñar.

Eduardo Galeano


Personal Project 

Series of illustrations based on:


Maybe it's time to change, to let go, to send everything to hell and start over. Maybe it's time to get a sun out of this storm, to laugh non-stop, to fly without stumbling. Maybe it's time to meet, to open our eyes and start dreaming.


Eduardo Galeano


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